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信息化论坛 Information Forum 拜耳医药保健有限公司支持——利用信息技术改进医疗服务 基于医嘱触发器技术的药品不良反应监测研究 邱吉苗① 竺东杰② 方飞波② 杨永丰③ 李春荣 * 摘 要 目的:利用医院信息系统及计算机数据库技术,设计一种基于临床医嘱触发的药品不良反应监测方法,自动监测 不良反应信号,呈报疑似数据供监测药师监测,变被动监测为主动监测,提高监测能力。方法:通过PB可视化语言开发一 个程序,设置特定的医嘱触发器条件,当临床开具该类医嘱时,后台记录触发信号,供监测药师分析判断,筛选出阳性不 良反应信号。结果:该监测系统成功对医院HIS数据库中医嘱进行了实时监控,自动监测医嘱触发信号,通过数据分析,初 步计算触发信号阳性率,优化了触发医嘱的设置,提高了药品不良反应监测效率。结论:该系统操作简单易懂,通过实时 自动的监测,有效提高了临床药师对药品不良反应的监测能力和工作效率。 关键词 药品不良反应 自动化监测 医院信息系统 程序 Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-7571.2016.09.019 [中图分类号] R319 [文献标识码] A Study on Adverse Drug Reaction Detecting Based on Doctors Orders Trigger Technology / QIU Ji-miao, ZHU Dong-jie, FANG Fei-bo, et al//China Digital Medicine.-2016 11(9): 56 to 57 Abstract Objective: Using hospital information system and computer database technology, we designed a set of adverse drug reaction detecting system based on doctors orders trigger technology. The system automatically detected the adverse reaction signals and reported the suspected data to the clinical pharmacist, and it had changed the passive detecting mode to the active detecting mode and improved the detecting capability. Methods: Developing a program through PB visual language, We settled up specific trigger for the doctors orders, when the doctor prescribed those orders, the signals were recorded and analyzed by clinical pharmacist, and the positive ADR signals were screened out. Results: The automatic detecting system had been successfully detected in the HIS database, automatic detective the trigger signals, through data analysis, the positive rate of the trigger signals had been calculated, the setting of the triggers had been optimized, and the efficiency of ADR detecting had been improved. Conclusion: The system was simple and understandable; it had improved the detecting ability and working efficiency through the automatic detecting system. Keywords adverse drug reaction, automatic detecting, HIS


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