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第 26卷  第 2期  大庆石油地质与开发 P.G.O.D.D.  2007年 4月 9   :1000-3754 (2007)02-0009-05 1 1 2 1 闫 林 , 周雪峰, 高 涛, 王拥军 (1. ,  100083;2. ,  163712) :利用岩心、 薄片、 分析化验、 测井等资料, 对徐深气田兴 开发区营 组一段火山岩储层进行 了研究, 结果表明:天然气主要产自溢流相的气孔流纹岩和爆发相的流纹质火山碎屑岩中, 储集空间 以气孔、粒间孔、斑晶溶孔、基质溶孔和构造裂缝为主。综合分析认为, 储层的发育状况与构造活 动、 岩性岩相变化及成岩作用等因素密切相关。构造作用产生构造裂缝, 形成有效的疏导体系;岩性 岩相决定了原生孔隙的发育;成岩作用对原生孔缝进行了改造, 其中压实、压溶、 熔浆胶结和热液充 填作用降低了储层的储渗能力, 而溶解作用形成了大量次生溶蚀孔隙, 使储层物性得到改善。不同岩 性, 其储层发育的主要控制因素不同。认识清楚储层发育的控制因素, 对储层预测及今后气田的有效 开发具有重要意义。 :徐深气田;火山岩储层;控制因素;构造;岩性岩相;成岩作用 :TE122.2    :A Study on control factors for formingvolcanic reservoir in Xingcheng developmentarea ofXushenGasField 1 1 2 1 YAN Lin, ZHOU Xue-feng, GAO Tao, ANG Yong-jun (1. Exploration and DevelopmentResearch Institute of PetroChina, B eji ing 100083, Ch ina; 2. Exp loration and D evelopm entResearch Institute of D aqing Oilf ield Company td. , Daqing 163712, China ) Abstract:XingchengdevelopmentareaofXushenGasField lies inXujiaweiziRift. Itsreservoir isvolcanic rocksof first memberofYingchengFormationwith characteristicsof low porosity and permeability. The gas ismainly produced from rhyolite and volcanic rocks, and the main reservoir space includes stoma, intergranular pores, dissolved pores in the crystalsof feldspar, dissolved pores in thematrix and structuralfissure. Comprehensive analysis shows that the control factors for forming volcanic reservoir include tectonic action, lithofacies and diagenesis. Tectonic action leads to forma- tion of structural fissure, which becomes effective drainage system, lithofacies decides the forming degree of original pores, and diagenesismodifies original pores and fissures. Lithology is differe


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