初三年级物理知识点(Third grade physics knowledge point).doc

初三年级物理知识点(Third grade physics knowledge point).doc

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初三年级物理知识点(Third grade physics knowledge point)

初三年级物理知识点(Third grade physics knowledge point) The summary definition of physics knowledge points in the third grade: Force is the interaction between objects. Understanding points: (1) The force is material: the force cannot leave the object and exist. Description: ① may have one or more force objects for an object. ② is not the first to have a force object, after the Force object (2) The force has reciprocity: a force is always associated with two objects, the Force object is also a force object, and the Force object is also a force object. Note: ① interacting objects can be contacted directly or without contact. The size of the ② force is measured by a dynamometer. (3) The force has the vector nature: The force not only has the size, but also has the direction. (4) The effect of force: The shape of the object changes, so that the motion of the object changes. (5) Type of force: The ① is named after the nature of the force: gravity, elasticity, friction, molecular force, electromagnetism, nuclear force, and so on. ② according to the effect of naming: such as pressure, pull, power, resistance, centripetal force, resilience and so on. Description: According to the effect named, the different name of the force, the nature can be the same, the same name of the force, the nature can be different. Gravity Definition: The force of an object is called gravity due to the attraction of the Earth. Description: ① objects near the earth are subjected to gravity. ② gravity is generated by the attraction of the Earth, but it cannot be said that gravity is the attraction of the Earth. The ③ force of gravity is the earth. ④ at the poles, gravity equals the gravitational force of an object, not equal in other places. (1) Gravity Size: g=mg Description: ① in different places on the surface of the earth the gravity of the same object is different, the higher the latitude, the greater the gravity of the same object, and thus the same object is larger at the poles than at the equator.


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