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文秘英语整理Unit1P6Management functions 管理职责Coordinate work 协调工作Subordinates 下属Take active measures 采取积极主动地措施Tidy up documents 整理文件Confidential files 机密文件Establish 建立档案Recruit personnel/employee 招聘人员/员工1. A secretary should be able to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with(与…建立并保持和睦的工作关系)superiors, co-workers, subordinates, etc..2. A secretary is expected to arrange business itineraries(拟订出差旅程表) and coordinate the executives travel requirements.3. A secretary is expected to take action authorized during the executives absence so as to minimize the negative effect of the employers absence.(将因上司不在所造成的负面影响降到最低限度)4. A secretary must be able to organize materials that may be presented to the executive in draft format(已草稿形式呈送上司)5. A secretary may serve as the recorder of minute(会议记录员) with responsibility for transcription and distribution to participants.6. A secretary may maintain budget and ,expense account records, financial records, and confidential files(开支帐目记录、财务记录和机密文件)7.Ever-evolving software applications require that secretaries be efficient,skillful and open to change.(高效、熟练、易接受新事物)8. The secretarial position can be described as “the boss confidant,jack of all trades,and master of office mysteries.”(老板的心腹,“多面手”,办公室神秘的掌管者) Unit2P24Rules of etiquette 礼仪规范Social events 社交场合Lack of consideration for others 对他人缺乏尊重/体谅Widely accepted practices 公认的习惯Good posture 良好的仪态Turn into a free-for-all 陷入混战A degree of privacy and secrecy 一定程度的隐秘Have an unfavorable impression 留下不良的印象1. To work successfully with others in a productive, friendly and sociable atmosphere, it is necessary toobserve proper office etiquette. (遵守得体办公室礼仪)2 . It is hard for a gossip togain the confidence respect and cooperation of others. (赢得别人的信任、尊重和合作)3 . People often associate an office in disorder with carelessness in work(工作上的粗心大意)4 . Each time when he finished his work, he would take time to shred carbon copies and photocopies


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