
外国留学生、侨生及华裔学生工作许可申请书 - 台北医学大学.doc

外国留学生、侨生及华裔学生工作许可申请书 - 台北医学大学.doc

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外国留学生、侨生及华裔学生工作许可申请书 - 台北医学大学

申請應備文件及注意事項 Work Permit Application Information for Foreign Students 一、適用對象: Eligible Applicant: 1.依「外國留學生來華留學辦法」且就讀於公立或已立案私立大專校院之外國留學生。 Those foreign students admitted into a public or private accredited college or university in accordance with the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. 依「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」規定輔導入學之僑生。 Those overseas Chinese students admitted into a public or private accredited college or university in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan. 3.依「香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法規定」入學之港澳生。 Those Hong Kong and Macao students admitted into a public or private accredited college or university in accordance with the Regulations Governing Study by Hong Kong and Macao Students in Republic of China. 二、應備文件(請依序排列): Documents required to apply for a Work Permit: While submitting the following documents, please have them prepared in order. 1.申請書。 Application form 2. 學生證影本。(直接黏貼於申請書上) Photocopy of student ID card (affixed to the application form) 3. 申請許可須經學校同意,並於申請書上加蓋學校輔導單位戳章及單位主管簽章。 Applicant form must approved by school, with the a stamp by the International Office and signature by the Dean of the International Office 4.繳交審查費之郵政劃撥單收據正本(每人新台幣壹佰元整),申請人可至郵局利用郵政劃撥繳納,戶名:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號或至本會職業訓練局收費櫃台繳交。 Original postal remittance receipt for examination fee (NT $100 per person). Applicant may pay either by postal remittance through the account of Bureau of Employment Vocational Training (Account Number: or to the BEVT’s cashier counter in person 5.護照影本、居留證影本。 A photocopy of passport and a photocopy of Alien Residence Certificate of the front and back .外國留學生除檢附前項文件外,另應檢附下列各項之一之相關證明文件或特殊語文專長證明。但具特殊語文專長之外國留學生經教育部專案核准,得於入學後於各大專院校附設語文中心或外國在華文教機構附設之語文中心兼任外國語文教師者不需檢附,惟須加附教育部專案核准證明文件影本。 In addition to the above 5 items, foreign students shall provide one of the following items or documentation of special language ability. Foreign students who have special l



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