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机械损伤对复叶槭叶片过氧化氢含量的影响 - 林业科学研究
2007, 20( 1) : 125~ 129
ForestR esearch
: 100 11498( 2007) 010 12505
张 雯, 沈应柏 , 沈瑗瑗
( 1. , 100083 )
: , DA B,
0153060120240 m in, H O ,
2 2
H O , , 60 m in , H O , 240 m in
2 2 2 2
1 mo l L- 1, H O
2 2
, ,
: ; ; ;
: S718. 43 : A
Effect ofM echanicalW ounding on the Content of Hydrogen
Peroxide in AshleafM aple Seedlings
ZHAN G Wen, SHEN Yingbai , SHEN Yuanyuan
( 1. C ollege of B iolog ical Scien ce and B iotechnology, B ei ing Forestry U n ivers ity , B ei ing 100083)
Abstract: U sing ashleaf m aple (A cer negundo) seed lings as m aterials, DA B tissue co loration and spectropho tom etry
asm ethods, the autho rs exam ined and com pared the dynam ic concentrations o fH O in d ifferent leaves: the dam
2 2
aged leaves, the intact leaves of the ident ical dam aged plant and signa l induced leaves o f the neighboring plants
dam aged by 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 m inutes. The resu lts show ed that the m echanicalwound ing cou ld induce the sys
tem ic concentrations of H O , the contents susta ining increased in 60 m inutes, and reached the m ax po int at 240
2 2
- 1
m inutes. A fter using theM eJA ( 1 m o l L ) to treat the he
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