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提 要 目的:本研究旨在通过对古今文献有关小儿泄泻脐疗用药的相关内容进行统计整 理,总结小儿泄泻的脐疗用药规律,进一步完善小儿泄泻脐疗选药的针对性,为临床 提供参考。 方法:以中文科技数据库维普资讯为现代文献检索源,检索近 20 年有关脐疗治 疗小儿泄泻的论文。以650本中医古籍为古代文献检索源。检索脐疗治疗小儿泄泻的 相关文献,经统计、归纳和分析,总结出小儿泄泻脐疗用药的规律。 结果:对小儿泄泻脐疗用药的相关文献整理后,结果发现:①脐疗治疗小儿泄泻 用药频次在前 10 位的药物为丁香、吴茱萸、肉桂、胡椒、苍术、五倍子、木香、白 术、干姜、黄连。②常用的药对为丁香—肉桂、丁香—吴茱萸、吴茱萸—肉桂、丁香 —胡椒、吴茱萸—胡椒、吴茱萸—苍术和吴茱萸—五倍子等。③最常用的中成药为云 南白药,最常用的药物调制赋形剂为醋。 结论:根据统计分析得出小儿泄泻的脐疗用药规律:①温里类药物的使用频次最 高,特别是丁香和吴茱萸,其次为收涩类药物。②在药性方面,温热类药物出现的频 次最高。③在药味方面,辛、苦、甘类药物出现频次最高,尤其是辛味。④在药物归 经方面,归脾经和胃经的药物出现频次最高,其次为归肾经和肺经。 关键词 小儿泄泻;脐疗;用药规律 Study on the delivery regularity of navel therapy of infantile diarrhea Speciality: Acupuncture and Moxibustion Author:Zhao Yan Tutor: Gao Shuzhong Abstract Objective: Through the study of ancient and modern literature on infantile diarrhea of navel therapy medication-related content and statistics , sum up the delivery regularity of navel therapy of infantile diarrhea , furtherly improve and perfect the herb-choosing pertinence for navel therapy of infantile diarrhea, and provide clinical reference. Methods: Taking Chinese science and technology database Pubmed as information retrieval source, the nearly 20-year papers about infantile diarrhea treated by navel therapy were retrieved. Taking National 973 program of characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy ancient literature library as ancient literature source , infantile diarrhea treated by navel therapy related literature were retrieved. By statistics, summary and analysis, the delivery regularity of navel therapy of infantile diarrhea was summarized. Results: After analyzing the relative literature of infantile diarrhea using navel therapy, the results sho


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