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贰、历年英语一小作文分析 考研英语是从1980年的开始;英语小作文是从2005年出现的;而英语二是从2010年出现的。 本部分,学长搜集了英语一05--15年的英语小作文。将小作文考题和范文都理解了出来,并在范围中,将格式、固定句式、结构等着重点均标记了出来, 请学弟学妹们结合壹中提到的四大基本点认真去揣摩历年小作文的范文,对各种题材的小作文都要做到心里有数,然后历年小作文题材为: 类型 出现年份 出现次数 建议信 14、12、09、07 4 邀请信 13 1 推荐信 11、15 2 通知 10 1 道歉信 08 1 咨询信 06 1 辞职信 05 1 注:以下历年真题小作文解析中,凡是斜体和加下划线的部分,均为小作文四个基本要素所涉及的部分,请着重看! 2015年英语一小作文:(建议信) Directions: You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members. You should state reasons for your recommendation. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points) Dear members, I am writing to recommend you a great book, “Life Will Start from Tomorrow?, that I have just read recently, as I will hold a club reading session this weekend. The main reasons why I recommend this book are as follows. First and foremost, it is the story about two wheelchair girls, who are struggling, fighting against their destiny. We can learn perseverance from them. What?s more, its contents give us courage to face the difficulties we meet in our daily life. I really hope you will like it as I do and I am looking forward to discussing more with you. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 2014年英语一小作文:(建议信) 51.?Directions:? Write?a?letter?of?about?100?words?to?the?president?of?your?university,?suggesting?how? to?improve?students’?physical?condition.? ?You?should?include?the?details?you?think?necessary.? You?should?write?neatly?on?the?ANSWER?SHEET.? Do?not?sign?your?own?name?at?the?end?of?the?letter.?Use?“Li?Ming”?instead.???Do?not?write?the?address.(10?points)? Dear my president,   I am writing to express my suggestions with regard to improve our students’ physical condition, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.   In my personal level, I find no better suggestions other than the following two: In th


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