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Mr Thomas Jefferson Wu 胡文新先生 Category: Listed Companies (SEHK – Non-Hang Seng Index Constituents) - Executive Directors 類別: 上市公司 (香港交易所 –非恒生指數成分股) ﹣執行董事 Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited became the first non-financial institution to issue RMB corporate bonds in Hong Kong in July 2010. 合和公路基建有限公司於2010年7月成為首家在香港發行人民幣企業債券的非金融機構。 Message from Awardee 得 奬 者 的 話 Mr. Thomas Wu, Managing Director of Hopewell Holdings Limited and Hopewell Highway 合和實業有限公司及合和公路基建有限公司董事總經 Infrastructure Limited, is honoured to receive the Director of the Year Award. Mr. Wu 理胡文新先生很榮幸獲得年度最佳董事獎。胡先生多 believes he has been selected based in part for his efforts and achievements towards 年來致力推動兩家公司提高透明度、肩負更多社會責 making both companies more transparent, socially responsible and environmentally 任,以及加強對環境的關注,胡先生相信此乃其獲獎 sustainable over the years. 的原因。 As Managing Director, Mr. Wu believes that Hopewell Holdings’ path of sustainable 胡先生作為合和實業的董事總經理,認為公司可持續 operation and development lies in maintaining a high level of corporate governance, 營運和發展的關鍵在於維持高水平的企業管治,並就 as well as being conscious about the internal and external impacts of the company’s businesses. 公司業務對內和對外所帶來的影響保持警覺。 His mission as Managing Director is to achieve long-term business growth and return 胡先生積極履行其董事總經理的使命,力求實現長遠 on investment for shareholders while simultaneously placing great importance on 業務增長和為股東提供投資回報,同時重視企業的透 corporate transparency, and


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