application of the pareto principle in rapid …(帕累托原则应用于快速u2026).pdf

application of the pareto principle in rapid …(帕累托原则应用于快速u2026).pdf

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application of the pareto principle in rapid …(帕累托原则应用于快速u2026)

Vishal Pandey / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Application of the Pareto Principle in Rapid Application Development Model Vishal Pandey #1 , AvinashBairwa #2 , Sweta Bhattacharya #3 School of Information Technology Engineering VIT University, Vellore 1 vishalpandey22@ 2 3 Abstract— the Pareto principle or most popularly termed as the 80/20 rule is one of the well-known theories in the field of economics. This rule of thumb was named after the great economist Vilferdo Pareto. The Pareto principle was proposed by a renowned management consultant Joseph M Juran. The rule states that 80% of the required work can be completed in 20% of the time allotted. The idea is to apply this rule of thumb in the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Process model of software engineering. The Rapid application development model integrates end-user in the development using iterative prototyping emphasizing on delivering a series of fully functional prototype to designated user experts. During the application of Pareto Principle the other concepts like the Pareto indifference curve and Pareto efficiency also come into the picture. This enables the development team to invest major amount of time focusing on the major functionalities of the project as per the requirement prioritization of the customer. The paper involves an extensive study on different unsatisfactory projects in terms of time and financial resources and the reasons of failures are analyzed. Based



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