approximating game-theoretic optimal strategies for full-scale poker(全面的扑克近似博弈论的最优策略).pdf

approximating game-theoretic optimal strategies for full-scale poker(全面的扑克近似博弈论的最优策略).pdf

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approximating game-theoretic optimal strategies for full-scale poker(全面的扑克近似博弈论的最优策略)

Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies for Full-scale Poker D. Billings, N. Burch, A. Davidson, R. Holte, J. Schaeffer, T. Schauenberg, and D. Szafron Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E8, Canada Email: darse,burch,davidson,holte,jonathan,terence,duane Abstract Due to the computational limitations involved, only simpli- fied poker variations have been solved in the past (e.g. [Kuhn, The computation of the first complete approxima- ] 1950; Sakaguchi and Sakai, 1992 ). While these are of the- tions of game-theoretic optimal strategies for full- oretical interest, the same methods are not feasible for real scale poker is addressed. Several abstraction tech- games, which are too large by many orders of magnitude niques are combined to represent the game of 2- [ ] ( Koller and Pfeffer, 1997 ). player Texas Hold’em, having size   , using [Shi and Littman, 2001] investigated abstraction tech- closely related models each having size  . niques to reduce the large search space and complexity of the Despite the reduction in size by a factor of 100 problem, using a simplified variant of poker. [Takusagawa, billion, the resulting models retain the key prop- 2000] created near-optimal strategies for the play of



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