are banks ready for the next generation …(银行准备好了下一代u2026).pdf

are banks ready for the next generation …(银行准备好了下一代u2026).pdf

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are banks ready for the next generation …(银行准备好了下一代u2026)

Are Banks Ready for the Next Generation Customer? September 2010 A Survey Report on Gen-Y Banking by Efma and Oracle Financial Services Are Banks Ready for the Next Generation Customer? Contents Executive overview 4 Banking with Gen-Y – why are they important and 9 what are they looking for? Survey results and analysis 19 Banks with Gen-Y strategy and presence 24 Conclusion 29 About us 31 Preface European Financial Marketing Association (Efma) and Oracle Financial Services are pleased to present this report on Generation Y (Gen-Y) banking. Over the past decade banks have been forced to look for new revenue streams as new business models, technological innovations and non-traditional competition have transformed the banking landscape. Amidst all this change, a new generation has come knocking on their doors. They are in the age group of 18 to 30 years – and often called Gen-Y or the millennials. Deloitte refers to them as ‘catalysts of change’, KPMG predicts that they will be tomorrow’s accumulators of wealth and Aite has termed them the generation that banks cannot afford to ignore. According to Javelin Strategy and Research 2009, by 2015, in the U.S. alone, their annual spending is expected to be over USD 2.45 trillion. By 2018, their projected income will be about USD 3.39 trillion annually. By that time, their income will surpass that of the Baby Boomers and will close in rapidly on that of Generation X. Gen-Y is so different from their predecessors that banks must understand their need



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