arkansas strategic business plan review(阿肯色州的战略商业计划评估).pdf

arkansas strategic business plan review(阿肯色州的战略商业计划评估).pdf

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arkansas strategic business plan review(阿肯色州的战略商业计划评估)

Arkansas Strategic Business Plan Review In 2009 the AGIO was awarded a grant from the Federal Geographic Data Committee to support the development of a Strategic Business Plan for Arkansas. That funding supported an outside consulting firm, Applied Geographics, to conduct a number of facilitated workshops around the 2010 Five Year Plan state. The feedback gathered from that activity set the stage for the plan. The overarching strategic goal  Digital Orthoimagery for the 2010 plan was to provide recurring funding o ~$1.2M per Year for continual investment in, and improvement of, the  Parcels Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure. Within the plan o ~$7.5M over 5 yrs there were categories of datasets that were prioritized  Administrative Boundaries and laid out as objectives. These are highlighted to o ~$75K per Year the right.  Roads o ~$200K per Year Arkansas has made strides and improvements, despite the fact that no recurring source of funding needed for investment and continual 2010 Five Year Results improvement of data currently exists.  Digital Orthoimagery The development of major datasets remain piecemeal o No Funding  Parcels or a function of opportunities for leveraging o One Time Funding financing through other programs with similar



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