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article of association - sigma alpha iota(公司章程-ασι)
Articles of Association
of the
Sigma Alpha Iota
We the undersigned, being of full age, and desiring to become incorporated under the provisions of
Act No. 171, of the Public Acts of Michigan for 1903, entitle “An act for the incorporation of
associations not for pecuniary profit, “ do hereby make, execute and adopt the following articles of
association, to wit:
Article I
The name or title by which said corporation is to be known in law is Sigma Alpha Iota-International
Music Fraternity. (amended 8-5-1998)
Article II
The Purpose of this Fraternity shall be:
(A) To form chapters of women college students and alumnae who have a sincere
interest in music.
(B) To uphold the highest standards of music.
(C) To further the development of music in America and throughout the world.
(D) To give inspiration and encouragement to members.
(E) To organize the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota members as a contributing
factor to their education growth.
(F) To support the ideals and goals of the member’s Alma Mater.
(G) To adhere to the highest standards of citizenship in school, community, and
fraternity life. (amended 8-5-1998)
Article III
The principal office or place of business shall be at Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and State
of Michigan.
Article IV
The term of existence of this proposed corporation is to be perpetual, from the date of these articles.
(amended by statute)
Article V
The number on the Board of Directors shall be nine. This Board of Directo
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