bha - economic contribution of uk hospitality …(底部钻具组合u2014u2014英国经济贡献的热情u2026).pdf

bha - economic contribution of uk hospitality …(底部钻具组合u2014u2014英国经济贡献的热情u2026).pdf

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bha - economic contribution of uk hospitality …(底部钻具组合u2014u2014英国经济贡献的热情u2026)

Economic contribution of UK hospitality industry Final report September 2010 Report prepared by Oxford Economics for the British Hospitality Association Contents Summary i  Current contribution i  Future contribution ii  1  Introduction and background 1  1.1  Study scope and objectives 1  1.2  The channels of economic impact 1  1.3  Background on BHA 2  1.4  SIC sectors within the hospitality economy definition 2  1.5  Overlap between hospitality and tourism 4  1.6  Economy and industry backdrop 5  1.7  Report structure 5  2  Direct contribution 7  2.1  Employment 7  2.2  GVA and turnover 11  2.3  Gross exchequer tax revenue 12  2.4  Exports / in-bound spending 12  2.5  Investment 13  3  Multipliers and supply chain linkages 14  3.1  Indirect and induced contribution 14  3.2  Catalytic contribution 15  4  Future scenario contributions 16  4.1  Trend baseline scenario 16  4.2  Cameron 50:50 scenario 16  4.3  Midway scenario 18  4.4  Summary of scenario assumptions and impacts 18  Annex A: Detailed SIC code definition of UK hospitality economy 21  Hotels related services 21  Restaurants related services 22  Contract catering 23  Event management 23  Temporary hospitality employment 24  Annex B: Technical notes 25  Employment data sources 25  ABI data collection procedures 25  Self-employment 26  Mapping between SIC 2003 and SIC 207 26  Caveats 26  Annex C: Scenario visitor assumptions and impacts 28  Summary Current contribution The core hospitality economy today (2010 estimate) has an estimated turnover of £90 billion and is worth



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