
change management and …(变更管理和u2026).pdf

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change management and …(变更管理和u2026)

C H A P T E R 2 CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT D E V E L O P M E N T S I N C H A N G E M A N A G E M E N T When considering the drivers for organizational change it has to be said that nothing remains still in the world of business. The rate of change that companies face has continued at an increasing pace over the last 50 years through advances in technology since the 1960s and more recently through the globalization of supply chains. While 18 E S S E N T I A L T O O L S historically change did occur this was generally focused on alignment with customer demand and technological advances in production techniques and was usually addressed by incrementally stepped change. As the rate of change increased so the gap widened between global com- petitors necessitating more extensive change management plans and longer implementation lead-times. Such planned major change is often an infrequent action and part of a larger organizational realignment either through incremen- tal drift of lagging behind others or the need for a more large-scale change driven by evolution or revolution. All organizations are destined therefore either to perish through business failure from being left behind by the competition or to accept that undertaking change is a natural part of business life in order to keep in line with the need for improvements or customer or fashion demands. Even where organizations are engaged in their own change derived from incremental improvements this can often be behind that demanded by the


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