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, 2006, 26( 10) : 2119- 2124 A cta Bot. Bor eal .-Occid ent . Sin . : 1000-4025(2006) 10-2119-06 1 1* 2 1 1 蔡年辉, 李根前 , 束传林 , 赵文东 , 李俊南 ( 1 , 650224; 2 , 651214) : 2005 4 . : , , . , ; ; . , , , ; , . : ; ; ; ; + : Q948. 15 7 : A Spatial Dynamics of Plant Community Structures in Natural Pinus y unnanensis Forest Region 1 1* 2 1 1 CAI N ian-hui , LI Gen- ian , SHU Chuan-lin , ZHAO Wen-dong , LI Jun-nan ( 1 Faculty of Resources, Southw est Forestry College, Kunm ing 650224, China; 2 Yipinglang Forest Farm , Lufeng County, Lufeng, Yunnan 651214, China) Abstract: The plant community structure and its spatial dynamics in natural P inus y unnanens is forest re- gion, w hich belonged to Yipinglang Forest Farm of Lufeng County, Yunnan, w ere field investigated in April 2005. It w as show n that the species compositions became richer and richer from upper mountain slope to low mountain slope and P inus y unnane ns is, K et el eer ia ev ely niana, Cy cl obalanop s is del av ay i populations as the dominant population belonged to degenerative growth type, up-growth type and stable growth type, respectively. T he importance values of the renew al layers indicated that the communities to be dominated only by K ete leeria ev ely niana w ould evolve on the upper slope, the needle- leafed and broad- leafed mixed forests to be dominated by Cy cl obal anop sis de lav ay i and K e tel eer ia ev ely niana w ould evolve finally on the middle slope and the evergreen broad- leafed forests to be dominated only by Cy cl obal anop sis del av ay i w ould be evolve finally on the low er slope. The study also indica


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