从中国首善陈光标看企业的社会责任(The corporate social responsibility of Chen Guangbiao, Chinas premier).doc

从中国首善陈光标看企业的社会责任(The corporate social responsibility of Chen Guangbiao, Chinas premier).doc

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从中国首善陈光标看企业的社会责任(The corporate social responsibility of Chen Guangbiao, Chinas premier)

从中国首善陈光标看企业的社会责任(The corporate social responsibility of Chen Guangbiao, Chinas premier) In a sense, disaster is the touchstone of wealth and character. Spontaneously, first to the disaster area, a modest entrepreneur, last time is Chen Guangbiao; this time, it is Chen Guangbiao; and next time, will it be Chen Guangbiao? The Yushu earthquake touched the hearts of the people throughout the country. The fastest move, or Chen Guangbiao?. He flew to Xining on the same day in April 14th. Mr. Chen Guangbiao bought 21 heavy equipment in Qinghai (including bulldozers, cranes, etc.), 16 generators, 4 off-road vehicles, along with 33 rescue workers from the Whampoa  militia, and officially departed for the disaster area. The earthquake happened, and some people were buried in the ground. They had to find a way to save them.! Chen Guangbiao said that he also accumulated some little experience in the last earthquake rescue in Wenchuan, hoping to help the people in the disaster area. Yes, in 2008, Wenchuan earthquake, Chen Guangbiao was in Lanzhou. Without further ado, hit the taxi rushed to the disaster area. On the road to deploy their own, the company has signed a life and death contract in the 60 excavator crane rushed to the disaster area, the road out of 2 million yuan in cash. We all saw him running around in the debris. They arrived at the scene almost at the same time as the disaster relief forces, and the military experts were amazed at the speed. In the disaster area, he rescued 14 survivors himself, carrying more than 200 childrens bodies and distributing hundreds of millions of yuan of cash to the victims. After the rescue, 60 machines were donated to the local area. And this time, Chen Guangbiao is here again. Come or so fast, donations or so forthright. Yushu earthquake, a lot of people are still watching, Chen Guangbiao and action. When he learned of the earthquake in Qinghai, Yushu, he immediately decided to go to the disaster area and rescue him. This trip, he b



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