国防(national defense).doc

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国防(national defense)

国防(national defense) 1, is the highest mountain in the country _____ Japan, 3776 meters above sea level. A, Mt Fuji B, Hokkaido C, Himalaya Range The correct answer: A 2, 90s in the Gulf War, the per capita consumption of _____ on American ground forces. A, more than 200 kg B, more than 300 kg C, more than 400 kg The correct answer: A 3, _____ is the root of war, this is Deng Xiaoping on the modern war argument. A, imperialism B, capitalism C, hegemonism The correct answer: C 4, in the directional map, starting point for _____ (symbol) said. A, triangle B, circle C, double circles The correct answer: A 5, Peoples Republic of Chinas new National Defense Law was promulgated _____. A, 1997 B, 1998 C, 2000 The correct answer: A 6, the early history of capitalism have appeared on the single pattern of a countrys dominance of the situation, the most typical countries is _____. A, Holland B, Spain C, England The correct answer: C 7 、 guidance system is the key component of precision guided weapon. According to the different working principle of the guidance system, the precision guidance technology can be divided into autonomous guidance, homing guidance and remote guidance. Combinations of them for _____. A and compound guidance B and combined guidance C, repetitive guidance The correct answer: A 8, _____ Chinese is the basis for the peoples Liberation Army interior construction. A, joint doctrine B, house rules C, discipline regulations The correct answer: B 9, an important symbol of the ancient feudal military thought of the Chinese is _____. A, military government and army annals come out B and the art of war C and the publication of Wu Jings seven books The correct answer: A 10, the ancient Greek Herodotus history of the Peloponnesian War, the ancient Rome Kaiser _____ gives some of the conditions of the war, reflecting the ancient military thoughts in some European countries. A, Gallic War B, on military affairs C, the expedition to Alexander The correct answer: A 11



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