中国心理学会首次评定心理学家,81名专家榜上有名(The Chinese Psychological Association first rated psychologists, with 81 experts on the list).doc

中国心理学会首次评定心理学家,81名专家榜上有名(The Chinese Psychological Association first rated psychologists, with 81 experts on the list).doc

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中国心理学会首次评定心理学家,81名专家榜上有名(The Chinese Psychological Association first rated psychologists, with 81 experts on the list)

中国心理学会首次评定心理学家,81名专家榜上有名(The Chinese Psychological Association first rated psychologists, with 81 experts on the list) The Chinese Psychological Association first rated psychologists, with 81 experts on the list Psychologists finally came up with authority. The day before the China Psychological Association held in the Great Hall of the psychologist conference, officially announced the list of 81 psychologists assessed. Let reporters surprise, the current national fame counseling TV celebrity, but in the field of psychology is a cipher , psychological counseling psychologists think celebrity services concern. News events The countrys first rating of psychologist TV celebrity is on the list The morning of October 16th, the dean of nearly 100 in the field of psychology, hale and hearty came to the Great Hall of the people, for the first time in China that psychologists press conference. The reporter saw in the list of psychologists Chinese Psychological Association published evaluation, Che Wenbo, Chen Yongming, Jin Shenghua, Lin Chongde, Peng Danling, Li Xintian, Zhu Ying, Zhang Houcan and other 81 famous domestic psychology workers among them. This assessment of Chinese psychologists from the countrys major institutions of higher learning, all members of the Chinese psychological society. Chinese Psychological Association chairman, director of the Institute of psychology researcher Zhang Kan said, China psychological society evaluation China psychologists are produced in strict rules and procedures, as the evaluation criteria: as a professor of psychology at 7 years (including 7 years) above or as a tutor for 5 years (including 5 years) above, and in the independent psychological journal published papers or in a higher level of core journals published papers of independent psychology workers. Zhang Kan said that in the future will continue to assess more psychologists, their names and work units will be published online by the provinces, to provide the masses with a



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