具有降血糖作用的食物(Food that has hypoglycemic effects).doc

具有降血糖作用的食物(Food that has hypoglycemic effects).doc

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具有降血糖作用的食物(Food that has hypoglycemic effects)

具有降血糖作用的食物(Food that has hypoglycemic effects) Food that has hypoglycemic effects 2008-06-09 06:57 reading 84 comment number: 0 greatly in small for people with diabetes, often eat some hypoglycemic food, can alleviate the condition, both affordable and safe and effective. Pumpkin: it is a kind of low sugar and low calorie food, but also contains large amounts of pectin, pectin absorption in the intestine can form a gelatinous substance, can delay the intestinal absorption of glucose and lipid, on the prevention and treatment of diabetes and hypertension. Bitter gourd: it is reported that eating balsam pear is beneficial to diabetics, because bitter gourd contains insulin like substance, which has obvious hypoglycemic effect. Clinical observation of mild diabetes patients after half a daily bitter gourd, blood glucose and urine glucose decreased significantly. Relying on hypoglycemic drugs to control blood glucose and urine glucose were tested after treatment of bitter gourd can also receive the corresponding effect. Sweet potato leaves: sweet potato leaves another report containing insulin ingredients, food is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus. Hongkong, Japan and some European countries the sweet potato leaves as the Queen of vegetables, because it can not only reduce the blood sugar, also contains large amounts of chlorophyll and protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Cucumber: A Research Report of vegetables and Natural Foods announced the American Medical Research Center, before treatment points out: cucumber is ideal food for diabetics, cucumber is rich in vitamins and acidic substances, can effectively prevent many complications of diabetes. Onion: onion contains two sulphide, can improve the concentration of insulin in plasma, can reduce blood sugar, soften blood vessels, treat diabetic coma and atherosclerosis. The Yu: konjac contains grape mannan, high molecular weight, hig



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