从心理辅导观点看现代禅((Modern Zen from the perspective of psychological counseling).doc

从心理辅导观点看现代禅((Modern Zen from the perspective of psychological counseling).doc

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从心理辅导观点看现代禅((Modern Zen from the perspective of psychological counseling)

从心理辅导观点看现代禅((Modern Zen from the perspective of psychological counseling) Modern Zen from the perspective of psychological counseling November 22, 2001 Since high school, Buddhism and psychology at the same time are deeply attracted me, Buddhism as the transcendence of human nature carved beautiful vision, a very yearning, but always feel it not to follow the negativism of their own nature, feel the hardships; and the real problem is not in its hard, but in the hearts of instinctive have doubts: towards whether after this will be beyond her? By contrast, psychology does not seem like the sacred Gao Jie of Buddhism. However, it is closely related to the inner needs of human beings, and it makes people feel kind and natural in the face of human problems! I struggled over the choice of psychology, but beyond the human nature and human nature with double conflict in the heart never really smooth; until it is in contact with the modern Zen, the heart suddenly resolve entanglement. For me, it is a modern Zen like strangers have understanding and agreement of friends, because many of the modern Zen philosophy and psychological counseling agree without prior without previous consultation. For example: Modern Zen guide beginners ease of lust, let passion to express natural law, not to hurt others without violating the conditions, and psychological counseling has repeatedly advocated sexual depression can cause personal inner undercurrent, negative irresistible and irresistible influence on the individual. The purpose of psychological counseling in the professional ability of the staff to help individuals face the plight of their own, while the modern Zen master in guiding students do not apply advanced Buddhist doctrine to guide, but for other practical difficulties, regardless of knowledge or affection, starting from his bitter or blind spots; two completely practical problems the implementation of personal, just deal with the problem of level is not the same; the guide way



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