冀教版五年级语文上册第三单元达标测试题(Jijiaoban the fifth grade third Chinese census unit standard test).doc

冀教版五年级语文上册第三单元达标测试题(Jijiaoban the fifth grade third Chinese census unit standard test).doc

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冀教版五年级语文上册第三单元达标测试题(Jijiaoban the fifth grade third Chinese census unit standard test)

冀教版五年级语文上册第三单元达标测试题(Jijiaoban the fifth grade third Chinese census unit standard test) Jijiaoban the fifth grade third Chinese census unit standard test First, to add the following word notation. (5 points) Guilt lumps, though roses Appearance is about to rush, not an instant Two, look at phonetic writing. (10 points) Fu m (zh) n (c) on a Nku (W). (I) Qu (n) loading force (x) m (J) case cover from ng (QI), n (CHA) w I (city) Three, form a complete word. (10 points) (()) that often however only simple () () to open days Joy () currently does not turn () no () (last) Are () (singular) with misty Four. Fill in the blanks according to the original text. (10 points) 1. the traffic cop made a parking gesture. 2.) (mother, if you see a small white boat, it should not surprise (unprovoked). This is your daughter () the tears of the stack, for it () the trials of a long journey, her love and sad. 3. morning rain (light) in dust, (Liu sexin). 4. anteriormo Chou no (), () world who does not know. 5., we (or) go down day by day, its much better than eating grass roots after all. Five. Complete the sentences as required (8 points) 1. this is a flowing and beautiful poem. (converted to rhetorical questions) 2., I can not help asking him: old squad leader, why dont you eat fish? (converted to a reporting sentence) 3. grandfather always likes to recall the past. (revising sentences) 4., our spirits are especially good. (making sentences with another meaning of spirit) Six. Oral communication. (5 points) In the traditional sense, Shun as filial piety, that is to say, parents, elders say anything, unconditional obedience. What do you do if you think your parents are wrong? write Seven, the text wonderful content review. (6 points) 1. can I write the book Xin Qiji Bodhisattva? a word in the Jiangxi wall stoma:,. 2. in the warm spring or snowy days, run home quickly and ask your mother. Let us go to the past, looking for. 3., contact the text, please use the right words to evaluate the


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