城市文重要性和如何利用(The importance of city literature and how to make use of it).doc

城市文重要性和如何利用(The importance of city literature and how to make use of it).doc

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城市文重要性和如何利用(The importance of city literature and how to make use of it)

城市文重要性和如何利用(The importance of city literature and how to make use of it) A study on the role of urban culture in urbanization and urban modernization -- a case study of three urban blocks Time: 2009-2-27 source: blog editor: Zhang Han [font: Small] [collection] [Chinese] off (Jinan Hong Lou Catholic Church and Hong Lou square with cathedral as its background) Abstract] the city is the advanced form of human social life, and also the cradle of human culture. The rapid development of urbanization is an important feature of the world today. Promoting urbanization and urban modernization is of great significance to China, which is accelerating its economic development. Through the case study of three city blocks, we can see that urban culture promotes urbanization and urban modernization. Through the creation and development of urban culture, the problems of low quality, poor efficiency, similar industrial structure and weak competitiveness in Chinese cities are solved so as to raise the level of urbanization and urban modernization in china. [keyword] urban culture, urbanization, urban modernization I. research topics and research methods The city is the advanced form of human life. Since the emergence of cities, all aspects of human society have shown a trend of accelerated development. Urban culture is an important component of urban society. It is also an important aspect of urban differentiation from the countryside. Urban culture plays an important role in promoting urbanization and urban modernization. The impetus to study urban culture helps to accelerate the urbanization of China and better solve the problems encountered in urbanization and urban modernization. The basic assumption is put forward in this paper: 1, city culture gathering population, city social integration; 2, city culture to create consumer demand, especially the modern cultural consumption demand; 3, city culture to create brand effect, for government policy support; 4, city culture constructi



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