学生心理孤儿现象成因及对策(Causes and Countermeasures of students psychological orphans).doc

学生心理孤儿现象成因及对策(Causes and Countermeasures of students psychological orphans).doc

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学生心理孤儿现象成因及对策(Causes and Countermeasures of students psychological orphans)

学生心理孤儿现象成因及对策(Causes and Countermeasures of students psychological orphans) The causes of students psychological phenomenon and Countermeasures of orphan published: 2008-9-25 11:25:40: click 1211 times with the development of society, the rapid development of science and technology, traffic is more convenient, the earth has become a village, the external physical interaction between people more frequent. But correspondingly, spiritual communication is correspondingly reduced, peoples inner world is more tightly wrapped, and the prevalence of human mental illness is increasing. A famous psychologist once carefully said: you can stand in any corner of the city, and then you see people from 1 to 20, then there must be a psychological barrier.. As a member of the global village, the mental health of primary and middle school students is not optimistic. Now the students living in the concrete jungle, burdened with the heavy pressure of examinations and less contact the outside world, the range of communication is more narrow, the spiritual home is closed, the psychological problem is very serious. The phenomenon of psychological orphans is one of them. The phenomenon of psychological orphans is relative to orphans in sociological sense. Refers to school-age children and adolescents in the psychological self closed, free collective atmosphere, family parent-child relationship cold, timid, afraid of communication, social life difficult to integrate features. Psychological orphans is actually a psychological phenomenon. Psychological orphans students are not as easy to attract attention as problem students or incomplete family students. Therefore, it is more necessary for us to analyze the causes of the phenomenon of psychological orphans and find ways to change this phenomenon so as to promote the healthy growth of students. I. causes of the phenomenon of psychological orphans 1, problem families bring serious psychological problems to their children. Problem family is rel


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