学英语20条钻石法则(Learn English 20 diamond rules).doc

学英语20条钻石法则(Learn English 20 diamond rules).doc

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学英语20条钻石法则(Learn English 20 diamond rules)

学英语20条钻石法则(Learn English 20 diamond rules) Self taught skills: learning English 20 diamond rules (1) Http:// 2008-05-06 15:12:32 source: Li Yang Crazy English Rule 1: pronunciation is always the first! Tens of thousands of people have studied English for ten years. They still cant speak standard English. They still have super strong Chinese accent. When they communicate with foreigners, they hear that they have become serious problems. There are a large number of people, because the pronunciation did not pass, lead to often be laughed at, thus lost the confidence and interest in learning english. Because pronunciation did not pass, leading to words can not live or recite! Because pronunciation is not pass, unable to read and recite the text, resulting in not really grasp the grammar, can not really form a sense of language! In a word, pronunciation is the foundation stone of English building. We must master the pronunciation of pure English at all costs! The students who attended the Li Yang Crazy English devil training camp for ten days, basically have a beautiful and respected pronunciation! Pronunciation, is, the, foundation, of, your, English, kingdom. Diamond rule two: English is really easy! The English language is the same as the Chinese phonetic alphabet, and the pronunciation is similar to that of Pinyin. The grammatical structure is similar to that of chinese. No two languages are so alike in the world! English is an egg under chinese! The Chinese are sure to conquer English quickly! Anyone who can overcome shyness, speak boldly, and practice crazily can speak good english. Diamond rule three: learning English with a sense of mission! Most people learn English in order to cope with the exam, there is no goal and motivation, and the valuable time of more than 10 years has been wasted. Be sure to learn English with a great sense of mission! The mission is to learn English well and revitalize the Chinese nation! Learn English well and communicate freely with



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