完形心理疗法(Gestalt psychotherapy).doc

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完形心理疗法(Gestalt psychotherapy)

完形心理疗法(Gestalt psychotherapy) There is a 11 year old boy named Jim in the United States. One day while playing games, the doorbell rang. When he was about to get up to open the door, his mother shouted to him not to open the door, but he must have left it. So his mothers boyfriend came in and killed his mother with a pistol. Not only did Jims brother and sister blame him for killing his mother, but also his companion avoided him. He became taciturn and sometimes showed a violent rage, and his study suffered a disastrous decline. By the time he was 18, on a summer afternoon, he was on the street, killing a man with a pistol and wounding several people. In prison, he received a psychological treatment: the therapist asked him to imagine that his dead mother was sitting on an empty chair and talking to an empty chair. After trying several times, he became more and more excited. Finally, he suddenly said, I killed you and cried for the first time after his mother died. The therapist helped him reach and accept his true feelings. Later, Jim made remarkable progress in social and learning, and was also successful in adapting outside the prison. This empty chair therapy is a Gestalt psychotherapy. Gestalt psychotherapy, pioneered by German born American psychologist Pearce (Perls), is another distinctive psychotherapy. The so-called Ges (talt), the German original intention to emphasize things as a whole as a whole. Gestalt psychotherapy, by promoting the perception of the physical condition of the person here and now, understands the pent up emotions and needs, and integrates the split parts of personality so as to improve the bad adaptation. This school treatment that the physical and mental health of a person can often perceive their somatic sensation, emotion and needs, so as to properly organize their own behavior, make oneself get emotional catharsis, need to be satisfied, physical and mental function function. On the contrary, a person with mental disorders is not o



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