建筑施工现场安全管理工作浅析(Analysis of safety management in construction site).doc

建筑施工现场安全管理工作浅析(Analysis of safety management in construction site).doc

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建筑施工现场安全管理工作浅析(Analysis of safety management in construction site)

建筑施工现场安全管理工作浅析(Analysis of safety management in construction site) Analysis of safety management in construction site Wang Jun article category: tube experience The construction industry is one of the pillar industries in Chinas national economy. The products produced by the construction industry have laid an important material foundation for the development of the national economy. With the continuous deepening of the reform of construction management system in China, great changes have taken place in production method and the organizational structure of construction enterprises, the safety production of construction industry is getting more attention in all aspects, and in the practice of continuous improvement and development. Construction characteristics 1., the construction of large product size, production cycle long, after the completion of the construction is fixed. Construction activities are carried out around buildings and structures, and a large number of manpower, materials, machinery and equipment are operated in limited sites for longer periods of time, and unsafe factors are more. 2., the machine personnel liquidity, completion of a building or structure, personnel and equipment to be transferred to the new site, the construction of new buildings or structures, personnel and equipment to flow in different regions in different locations, and increase the risk of liquidity. 3., manual work, labor intensity, personnel on the production speed, work conditions and environment prone to ideological and emotional fluctuations, will lead to unsafe factors. 4. open-air work and high altitude operations. The building was built from low to high, so most of the workers are in operation, open operation or high hot in summer and cold in winter, exposed to the weather, poor working conditions, unsafe factors. 5., the building type change is big, the rule is bad, each construction site construction condition is different, the insecurity factor is also different. 6.,


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