建筑消防验收常见问题汇总(Summary of common problems in building fire inspection and acceptance).doc

建筑消防验收常见问题汇总(Summary of common problems in building fire inspection and acceptance).doc

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建筑消防验收常见问题汇总(Summary of common problems in building fire inspection and acceptance)

建筑消防验收常见问题汇总(Summary of common problems in building fire inspection and acceptance) This article is contributed by wangminjin Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Summary of common problems in fire inspection and acceptance of high-rise building Professional serial number FAQ Civil fire blocking is not in place, 5.2.5, 5.3.3:1, all the water supply pipeline through the floor, wall parts are not blocked. 2, all the electric pipe, bridge through the floor, wall parts are not blocked. 3, through the flat and vertical bridge, no fire blocking. 4, all ventilation, air conditioning, smoke control pipeline more floors, wall parts are not blocked. 5 、 the opening is not blocked after the opening of the tunnel. 6 、 the civil air duct is not blocked. 7, the gap of glass curtain wall and floor partition unused incombustible material filling. 8, not to the firewall. 5.2.6 9, fire zone not formed. 5.3.3 fireproof door: reverse installation 1, fire doors, not open to the evacuation direction., 2, closed stairwell and smoke staircase are equipped with non evacuation door and hole 3, fire door detection report and entities inconsistent, fire door identity is not posted. 4 、 door closer, sequencer is not installed. 5.4.2 5, should be set one-way escape location, not set the corresponding opening device. 6.1.16 6, fire door is not installed according to the design requirements. Safety evacuation: 1. The width of staircase evacuation is not enough because of the installation of railings, 6.2.9 and 6.2.10 2, because of the decoration and construction changes, the quantity of the exit is not enough. 6.1.1 3, due to renovation and construction changes, the evacuation distance exceeded 6.1.5, 6.1.7, 6.1.8, fire lane: 1, lane width can not meet the specifications. 2, the fire fighting surface has not formed. 3. The ring lane is not formed or the carria


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