建筑物外墙为什么容易渗漏水用什么方法治理(Why does building exterior wall leak water easily, with what method government).doc

建筑物外墙为什么容易渗漏水用什么方法治理(Why does building exterior wall leak water easily, with what method government).doc

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建筑物外墙为什么容易渗漏水用什么方法治理(Why does building exterior wall leak water easily, with what method government)

建筑物外墙为什么容易渗漏水用什么方法治理(Why does building exterior wall leak water easily, with what method government) Why does building exterior wall leak water easily, with what method to manage? First, the wall masonry quality is not good In the quality defects of brick masonry, the reasons for affecting exterior wall leakage are: 1, brick level, gray mortar mortar fullness less than 80%, vertical mortar no mortar (empty gap or blind joint), for rainwater leakage reserved internal channel; 2, the frame structure filling wall close to the bottom of beam or plate bottom, without stopping, the masonry skew beam and plate top to bottom, with masonry mortar for compression deformation, cause the wall to sink, a gap formed inclined brick bodies and beams, plates, wall plaster or scraping brown. The cracks in the gap formed at; 3. The tension bars between the frame column and the filling wall do not meet the modulus of the brick. When the building is bent, the bending steel bar is pressed into the brick layer to form a local position, and a larger gap is formed between the masonry and the column, and the crack is easy to occur when the plastering is made. Preventive measures: 1, improve the mortar workability, the promotion of 31 building, is strictly prohibited to use dry brick walls, to ensure the full degree of mortar and improve the bond strength; 2, fill the wall to close to the beam, plate bottom, should be 15 days later, and then fill it up, compaction, and cement mortar will be inclined to brick seam filling, dense; 3, according to brick modulus, on the frame column planting steel. Two, improper handling of exterior walls 1. When the feeding hole is blocked, the blind hole is not connected with the original hole; 2, after the completion of the project, the residents in the wall to take air conditioning pipe holes, solar water heaters, pipe holes, exhaust fan holes, resulting in cracks in the wall and outside powder. Due to the limitations of the conditions, the residents and the


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