弹性工作选项管理 升阳的成功(Flexible work options to manage the success of Sun Microsystems).doc

弹性工作选项管理 升阳的成功(Flexible work options to manage the success of Sun Microsystems).doc

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弹性工作选项管理 升阳的成功(Flexible work options to manage the success of Sun Microsystems)

弹性工作选项管理 升阳的成功(Flexible work options to manage the success of Sun Microsystems) Sun computer (Sun Microsystems) is the fortune 200 technology companies, with annual revenues of more than $13 billion. The sun has more than 37 thousand employees in more than 100 countries, the annual R D investment of more than $2 billion. As a multinational high-tech enterprises, sun facing serious talent challenge: knowledge workers usually work on the initiative, flexibility and independence have higher requirements, at the same time, many employees want to work outside the office. Therefore, the sun very early on the introduction of flexible work options (Flexible work options) in Sun Microsystems internal pilot program, called “ open ” (Open Work) plan. Open plan senior manager Ian high (Ian Gover) said the Buddha, under the plan, the sun has three types of employees: the first is the traditional full-time employees, they work in a fixed office, these employees accounted for 44% of the total; the second is ldquo rdquo, accounting for employee; elasticity; 48% of the total number of them compromise by way of working, a week has two days to work at home and enjoy the company of limited hardware support; third is the number accounted for only 6% of “ in rdquo, they are completely home workers; work at home for a week, an average of three to five days. The sun will provide the necessary tools, resources and training etc.. “ the implementation of flexible work options; trust is the most important foundation. ” high Buddha said, many managers believe that only the day dedicated to stay in office staff is a good staff, so that these managers will work at home “ ” will seriously reduce the companys productivity. However, the long-term survey of Sun Microsystems for these three types of employees have found that employees who hardly came into the office, but is the best performance of a group of people, and flexible staff home for two days in a week and full-time employees, and no signif


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