Online English Self-Learning Center 如何鼓励英语 - 卓越大学英文网.PPT

Online English Self-Learning Center 如何鼓励英语 - 卓越大学英文网.PPT

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Online English Self-Learning Center 如何鼓励英语 - 卓越大学英文网

What do you think is the strongest motivating force for English self-learning? 請問你一般學生要持續自修英文,最重要的動力(會)是什麼? 老師算分 355 老師鼓勵 17 語測激勵 64 出國或就業 190 學習護照加點 2 興趣 146 增廣見聞 36 其他 5 1) SLC for Teachers Teachers’ Support of SLC Give extra points!!! SL-Activities for Teachers An Example SLW: 教師服務區 Teacher Supervision Open a course and input your students’ names Click on “紀錄” to find out your students’ performances at SLW. Alternative: ask Grace for the point record. * Thank You for Your Attention! Any Questions or Suggestions? Kate Liu Grace Hsu Tel: 02 2905-2164 E-mail: ceweb.admin@ 有任何建議與問題, 歡迎跟我們連絡: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Online English Self-Learning Center Online English Self-Learning Center Online English Self-Learning Center 卓越英語線上自學中心(SLC) English Teachers Online English Self-Learning Center 2013F/09/24 .tw/self_learning.html The best way to learn is to teach. The best thing to teach is to teach how to learn… Would you like to encourage your students to develop their own learning methods actively? Teaching Learning Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 「給他魚吃不如教他釣魚」 Autonomous Learning Teacher Support/Scaffolding Multiple Resources How to Achieve it? With Focus: SLC ENG Resources at FJU Outline 大綱 1. General Intro. 自學中心介紹 2. SLC SLW 自學中心與自學網 New! Mobile Learning 3. Self-Learning Activities 123英語自學活動 4. Teacher’s Support 如何鼓勵英語自主學習? 自學中心與自學網 自學活動 自修教材 自學網 SLC: English Learning Resources for College Students Visit SLC Site Map Four Skills Units Self-Challenge Themes 網站結構介紹 聽說讀寫︰多達30種免費的自修教材 自修單元︰文法書、常用俚語 自我挑戰 SLW:Tutors and Interactive Learning Materials 自學網 自修室 會話室 寫作室 Self-Learning Web Self-Learning Courses Conversation Tutors Writing Tutors 自學網小老師指導項目: 寫作練習 (輔導改作文,不是幫忙改作文)、TOEFL, IELTS, GEPT 日用會話、IELTS, TOEFL.BULATS 全民英檢中高級複試(GEPT-high intermediate)、托福與口語寫作(TOEFL)、雅思(IELTS)寫作練習指導, BULATS ( .tw/self_learning/self_learning_newservice


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