星际争霸2运营理论(新手必看)(StarCraft 2 operations theory (Rookie must see)).doc

星际争霸2运营理论(新手必看)(StarCraft 2 operations theory (Rookie must see)).doc

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星际争霸2运营理论(新手必看)(StarCraft 2 operations theory (Rookie must see))

星际争霸2运营理论(新手必看)(StarCraft 2 operations theory (Rookie must see)) [foreword] Operation, it looks at the operation process of the real-time strategy game from another angle, and brings the different game thinking to the player. What is StarCraft 2s operation? What kind of work does a player need to do? How do you evaluate the strength of a player? Will the newbie be able to operate? With these questions, lets begin todays StarCraft 2 operation course --------------------------------- [operations overview] Although many people now talk about the operation of interstellar 2, just casually say, but I still want to trace back to the operation in the business field of the concept, I believe there are many can learn from it. Operation usually refers to the plan, design, organization, implementation and control improvement of the enterprise operation process, which is the floorboard of enterprise management. Switching from perspective to StarCraft 2, we can explain the operation: plan, design, organize, implement, and control improvements throughout the game. Starcraft 2 is actually such a game: the game starts with an equal amount of start-up money for each player. The players job is to plan the most scientific and effective way to make money and spend money. In the game, we all crazy competition, who spend more money, the effect of who is more than who earn money, two faster than those who spend money, money is only spent out, in order to reflect the value. You can use money to mine to earn more money, but money is always the ultimate aim to combat arms expansion and ultimately defeat the opponent. So some of the older players used to emphasize spend all your money when they were playing in StarCraft, and thats actually an important requirement for operations. Next, we will star 2 operating conditions for simple decomposition, after reading, I believe we will have a more clear concept of operations. --------------------------------- [from single mines versus operations] In


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