肖恩·雷的手臂训练法(Sean Rays arm training).doc

肖恩·雷的手臂训练法(Sean Rays arm training).doc

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肖恩·雷的手臂训练法(Sean Rays arm training)

肖恩·雷的手臂训练法(Sean Rays arm training) Sean Rays arm training The fun of training the two biceps and triceps In preparing this special report, Im interested in only two things - the two biceps and triceps on your arm - and I want to know how Sean ray star has developed the upper arm so well. The arm body parts is almost everyone love, he said, people want to show you the muscles, they dont want to see your leg, they want to see is your arm, the reason is very simple, the most easily observed arm. For years, the arm was considered a symbol of human strength. Its important to have a balanced development as a whole, and a pair of well developed arms is equally important. For me, the training arm is a very pleasant thing, watch and feel two muscles expand like a balloon or triceps expansion like explosion is a very comfortable thing, but it never made me afraid to stop not to practice, the success of my arm developed is very hard and not lazy training, and find a suitable for our own training action and group number, number, angle and rest time. I dont have any secret training moves. I just do some basic exercises that suit myself, but change a little. So is my training philosophy. Increase the pyramid, without affecting the correct posture of the context as far as possible to increase, almost no pressure type the number of 1 to 2 groups of warm-up, then each action do three sets of 8 to 15 under the weight of the number of each part to do 3 to 4 kinds of action. These are secrets if you insist on having secrets. When training the arm, I often change the angle because it can be trained completely to the muscles. For Sean, Ray said, there is a difference between developing an average bodybuilders arm and a pair of champion bodybuilders. Thats the problem with attitude.. You have to have an attitude like this: if you do your best and work hard, youll get the best out of it.. Finally, he concluded: in training and in life to persevere, do not rashly, must be happy to deal with



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