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?lesson 1 ; alert;a.警觉的,留神的,注意的 vt.向报警,使警惕;??? 使认识到 alert;n.警戒(状态),?? 戒备(状态);报警 sirens sounded the alert for an air raid. ;空袭报警的警笛响起来. nuclear-armed bombers were put on the alert during the crisis. ;核武装轰炸机在危机期间 进入高度警备状态. arbitrary[a:bitr?ri] ;a.随意的,任意的; 专断的,武断的,专制的 the diet imposes overall calorie limits,but daily menus are arbitrary. ;食谱规定了总的热量限 制,但每天的菜单可据喜 好自定. behalf[biha:f] ;n.利益,方面 mother teresas efforts on behalf of caluttas poor ;德兰修女为加尔各答 穷人所做的一切努力 eventually brought her the nobel peace prize. ;最终为她赢得了诺贝尔和 平奖. bulk;n.大小,体积;?? 主体,绝大部分;大量 vt.显得大,显得重要 the great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful. ;大量必须做的工作真令人 痛苦. safety considerations bulked large during the development of the new spacecraft. ;在建造新的宇宙飞船时, 安全考虑占了很大比重. chip ;v.削(或凿)下(屑片或?? 碎片)n.屑片,碎片 chip;[pl]炸土豆条(或片); 集成电路片,集成块; 缺口,瑕疵 fish and chipsis a typical english food. ;“炸鱼土豆条”是典型的 英国食品. the paint has chipped off where the table touches the wall. ;桌子接触墙壁的地方漆皮 已剥落. collapse ;vi/n.倒塌,塌下;???? 崩溃,突然失败 the enterprose collapsed through lack of support. ;该企业因无力支持而 倒闭. competition [k?mpiti??n] ;n.竞争,竞赛 because there is so much unemployment,the competition for jobs is very fierce. ;由于失业人员众多,求职的竞争十分激烈. five candidate cities including beijing ;共有包括北京在内的五个 城市 participated in the competition to host the 28th olympic games. ;参加了争夺第28届奥 运会主办权的角逐. decline[diklain] ;n.下降,减少,衰退 the arts of china have not declined in spit of the western influence. ;虽有西方影响,中国的艺 术并未因此而衰落. the price of mobile telephones has declined sharply. ;手机的价格下降得非常 厉害. the united kingdom is now no more than an empire that has declined. ;大英帝国如今只是一个业 已衰落的帝国. develop[divel?p] ;vi.生长,发育,形成;??? 发展,扩展 develop[divel?p] ;vt.发展,开发;制定,?? 研制,成长;逐步产生,?? 发挥 a good teacher is surely an instructor ;一个好老师一定 who can develop the capabilities of each student. ;是一个能激发每个学生 潜能的导师. juliet wus ambition ;吴士宏的抱负 is to develop a national corporation into a worldwide business. ;是要把一个国内企业扩 展成世界性的企业. [?l?b?re?t] elaborate[il?b?rit] ;a.精心计划的


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