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计 算 机 系 统 应 用 2015 年 第24 卷 第 12 期 ① 基于 AOP 的数据库应用安全控制的设计与实现 1,2 2 2 董 源 , 李培军 , 许舒人 1( 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049) 2( 中国科学院软件研究所 软件工程技术研究开发中心, 北京 100190) 摘 要: 数据库的安全访问控制作为系统层级的模块需要在各个模块中通用. 传统的实现方式有两种: 一是采用 组件接口调用的方式将安全访问模块编入每个所需的业务逻辑当中, 二是通过 AOP 配置的方式将模块切入. 这 两种方式中, 无论是首次调用还是修改调用, 开发人员都需要编写大量的函数调用代码或配置信息. 针对配置信 息代码量大、修改处理代价高这一问题, 本文提出一种可视化的 AOP 配置方式, 通过 Dom4j 自动配置方式完成 安全访问控制模块的注入, 减少开发人员编写冗余的配置信息, 更加灵活地更改注入的内容. 关键词: AOP; 数据访问; 安全控制; 可视化 Design and Implementation of a Database Application Security Controls Based on AOP 1,2 2 2 DONG Yuan , LI Pei-Jun , XU Shu-Ren 1(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) 2(Technology Center of Software Engineering, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) Abstract: The security of the database access control needs common used in various modules as a system-level modules. There are two traditional ways to achieve it, the first one is by the way of the component interface call to join the secure access module into each required, and the second one is through the AOP configuration mode. The two ways require developers to write a lot of function code or configuration information. According to the problem of the configuration information for a large quantity of code and the high cost of modify the processing, this paper proposes a visualization of the AOP configuration, access control injection module automatically through Dom4j configuration mode to complete the security access, reduce the configuration information that developers have to written redundancy, as while as make it more flexible to change content. Key words: AOP; data access; safety control; visualization 1 引言


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