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welcome to our class;Exercises;学习目标;Task 1;;感叹句;1.______ beautiful girl she is! A How a B What a C What an 2. _______ lovely a dog it is! A What a B How C How a ;so....that 与so that 的区别;1.She goes there____early ___she gets a good seat A too;to B so; that C enough; to 2.She studies hard ___ she can catch up with her classmates. A because B in order to C so that;the other,another,others区别;1.I have two friends. One is Ann,____ is Lucy. A other B the other C another 2. I dont like this shirt, Can you show me _____ one in this shop ? A. another B the other C others;a little, a bit, a bit of 的区别;1.The weather is ___ cold. Please give me ____ hot water. A a bit; a bit of B a little; a bit C a little of; a little 2. There is ____milk in the bottle, lets buy some in the supermaket A a bit B a bit of C a bit little;1. Whats the matter ? 2. Could you look after them ? 3. Anything else?/ What else can I do for you ? 4.I like dogs 5. Thanks;情景交际方法总结 1. 上下文联系法 2. 翻译法 3. 寻找相同或相似词汇法;重点句子 1. Whats the matter ? 2. Could you look after them ? 3. Anything else?/ What else can I do for you ? 4.How did you feel about that? 5. How did you solve it ?;;Task 3: 小结;4.易混词汇; 方法总结: 单选:1. 翻译法 2.固定搭配法 3.排除法(常用方法) 情景交际 1. 上下文联系法 2. 翻译法 3. 寻找相同或相似词汇法


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