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The Brownings Robert Browning 罗伯特·布朗宁(1812-1889) Life 1812 was born in a well-to-do family At 12 began to write poetry 1833 published Pauline《柏林》 1841 published Pippa Passes《皮帕走过》 1846 got married with Elizabeth Barrett, then went to Italy 1889 died Works Pauline 1833 《波林》 his first long poem under the influence of Shelly Paracelsus 1835 《帕拉塞尔萨斯》 his second poem Strafford 1837 《斯特拉福》 Sordello 1840 《索尔戴洛》was criticized because of obscure Pippa Passes 1841 《皮帕走过》a dramatic poem Bells and Pomegranates series 1841-1846《铃铛与石榴》诗集 Dramatic Lyrics 1842 《戏剧抒情诗》 Dramatic Romances and Lyrics 1845 《戏剧罗曼斯》 Man and Women 1855《男男女女》 Dramatic Personae 1864 《戏剧人物》 The Ring and the Book 1868-1869《指环与书》his masterpiece The Ring and the Book Figures: Count Guido(圭迪伯爵): a wicked nobleman Pompilia(蓬皮丽娅): an innocent girl Priest(牧师) The Ring and the Book story: Count Guido married Pompilia for the purpose of getting her wealth. But he soon found that she was not rich, being only an adopted child of her parents. Guido determined to get rid of her. He treated her so badly that her life became unbearable. With the help of a good priest, Pompilia returned to her foster-parents. Guido killed her under the pretext that she had committed adultery with the priest. Then the murderer was arrested, tried and condemned to death. The Ring and the Book Characters: A poetical drama of 20,000 lines. The subject matter is taken from a small book at second-hand bookstall. Telling a story “from the inside,” by a series of psychological soliloquies or soul-pictures. My Last Duchess My Last Duchess The purpose of the monologue (or the soliloquy) is not so much to make a statement about its declared subject matter, but to develop the character of the speaker. Each character in the poem exposes his or her innermost thoughts and emotions through monologues one by one ● Dramatic Lyrics 1842 《戏剧抒情诗》 ●Dramatic Romances and Lyrics 1845


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