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Task 3 With the invention of modern laptops and the advances in broadband internet access and communication software, there is no longer a need to work in the office, more and more people are starting to work from home. Opinions on this new trend vary as there are both pros and cons of working from home. The disadvantages are obvious. To begin with, you may feel lonely at home since you lack social interaction and face to face communication with colleagues. Besides, there are many distractions at home: your wife and kids may knock on your door or call you any time. You yourself may want to stop and have a cup of coffee or find something to eat from time to time. Without the official discipline, you may even be tempted to play computer games, what’s more, it may be very monotonous if you have to stay at home all day long. On the other hand, many people think the pros of working at home outweigh the cons. The most obvious benefit is flexibility. You don’t have to wake up to an alarm clock early in the morning, and you can work any time you want any in any way you want. For those who are more productive at night, working from home must be a paradise. Moreover, without a boss supervising you over your shoulder, you fell less stress. Like to work in pajamas? Fine. Like to listen to heavy metal at the highest volume while you are designing? Go for it. Also, people that work in the home environment value immensely the extra time they can spend with their loved ones. As a mom or dad, you will be in a much better position to educate and take care of your children. Exercise 3. Page 69 Pros: Flexibility. No need to wake up to an alarm clock early in the morning. Some people are more productive at night, so they can work at night, during the day they can take a break whenever they feel like it. Increased productivity. A typical office environment is noisy, people are talking, phones are ringing, co-workers are coming by to chat. New technology can improve online inter


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