儿科护理要点(Pediatric nursing).doc

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儿科护理要点(Pediatric nursing)

儿科护理要点(Pediatric nursing) 1. The first choice for e. coli sepsis is ammonia than penicillin or third-generation cephalosporin 2. Staphylococcus aureus preferred sodium of benzoxazole or sodium chlorazole 3. Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia was the first choice for amoxicillin and clavicoic acid 4. Mycoplasma pneumoniae combined with heart failure preferred the western land + K 5. Typical manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis: edema, oliguria, hematuria, hypertension 6. Simple nephropathy three high and one low high edema, large amount of proteinuria, high blood cholesterol, and hypoalbuminemia 7. Nephritic nephropathy: hematuria, nitric oxide, hypertension 8. The most common complications of primary nephrotic syndrome: infection 9. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis is preferred: sulfadiazine 10. The earliest symptoms of congenital potassium low children are: the time of physiological jaundice is prolonged 11. The age of the baby teeth is normal, not more than two and a half years 12. The most fatty period in human milk is: transition milk 13. In the case of neonatal ABO hemolysis, it is best to choose O type red blood cell and AB type plasma 14. The most prominent clinical manifestation of respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia is: asthma 15. The most prominent clinical symptom of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumoniae is: cough The most important of the central deformity of falo tetralogy is the narrowing of the pulmonary artery The most common congenital heart disease that can occur with cerebral thrombosis is the tetralogy of fallot 18. In the diagnostic criteria of nephrotic syndrome, the total threshold of total urinary protein in 24 patients should be greater than 20mg/kg. D 19. The most common cause of low calcium convulsions in nephrotic syndrome is the release of calcium in the urine, which is often associated with albumin 20. The current drug of choice for children with nephrotic syndrome is prednisone There is also a brain stimulation, skin learning and sta


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