久病不愈的咳嗽和喉咙含痰(The cough and throat with long illness are phlegm).doc

久病不愈的咳嗽和喉咙含痰(The cough and throat with long illness are phlegm).doc

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久病不愈的咳嗽和喉咙含痰(The cough and throat with long illness are phlegm)

久病不愈的咳嗽和喉咙含痰(The cough and throat with long illness are phlegm) The cough and throat of a long illness must be identified A cough is a defense movement caused by a certain type of stimulation of the trachea, which is formed by bacteria or dust and trachea secretions. Cough can be divided into two kinds. Dry cough, will have the feeling of groggy, searing, cough does not produce phlegm again. It is often seen in the early days of colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. Prolonged dry cough may be tuberculosis. The symptoms of a wet cough are coughing up and phlegm. A number of cough symptoms increase and become wet cough. Diseases such as pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis and heart valves are common. When coughing or coughing, the phlegm is bloody or green, and it is best to be treated as soon as possible. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to symptoms such as chest pain, headache, abdominal pain or fever. Try not to burn your body when you are still in your home. Effective and contraindicated food Effective food: dry cough with phlegm, with mucus difficult to clear, edible pear, radish, honey, white fungus, lily root and loquat leaf. The use of loquat leaves is to brush the hair on the leaves with a brush and drink it. In case of wet cough and sputum, it is appropriate to eat tangerine or grapefruit. When the body is hot and the phlegm is yellow and green, it is commonly referred to as a hot cough. At this time, edible radish, winter melon, pear, sea algae, loquat leaf and persimmon and other cooling food. It is better to eat radish than it is cooked. If the body is cold, sometimes fear cold, phlegm is transparent, have cold feeling, belong to cold sex circumstance. The suitable foods include garlic, ginger, spring Onions, orange peel, gingko, walnut and so on. Add a little chopped ginger to the water to drink, warm, and fight for apricot for cough and asthma. However, pay attention to edible raw ginkgo, can cause dizziness or convulsion. So you have to cook it b



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