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施耐德电气(中国)有限公司员工报销执行细则 施耐德电气(中国)有限公司 员工报销执行细则 Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd. Staff Reimbursement Implementation Rules 概述Abstract 本文件描述了国内、国际差旅和日常报销标准及要求。本政策及程序适用于本公司及其 下属分公司及办事处全体员工(含外籍员工,及施耐德集团在SEC的所有部门员工)。施耐 德公司及其在华的关联公司的相关差旅管理制度,均应参照本政策执行。 This document describes the standards and requests for common reimbursement and domestic travel ,overseas travel reimbursement. This policy applies to all employees (local staff and expatriates) of Schneider Electric (China) Co. Ltd. (SEC), its all branches and local offices, and all departments of Schneider group hosted in SEC. Schneider and its affiliate companies relevant travel policy should be executed according to the travel policy and process. 目录Content (一)原则 Principle 1.总则 General Principle 2 .银行卡支付 Debit or credit card payment 3.发票 Invoices 4 .合规 Compliance (二)日常报销 Daily Reimbursement 1.礼品 Gift 2 .客户招待 Customer Entertainment 3.客户费用 Claim for Customer 4 .通讯费 Communication Fees 5.福利费 Staff Benefits 6 .借款 Cash Advance 7.其他 Others (三)国内出差 Domestic Travel 1.出差申请 Travel Request 2 .交通 Transportation 3.住宿 Hotel 4 .餐饮 Meal 5.出差津贴 Travel Allowance Staff Reimbursement Implementation Rules Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd. 1 施耐德电气(中国)有限公司员工报销执行细则 (四)国际出差 International Travel 1.出差申请 Travel Request 2 .交通 Transportation 3.住宿Hotel 4 .餐饮 Meal 5.补贴 Allowance 6. 其他 Others 7.外币报销 Foreign Currency 附录一 欠发达国家/地区列表Appendix I Non-Developed Country List 附录二 特殊事项审批表 Application Form for Special Approval 附录三:关于报销中发票的详细要求 Detailed guidelines on invoices (一)原则 Principle 1.总则 General Principle 施耐德为员工报销因工作关系而实际发生的合理费用。员工不因工作安排而获得或损失个人 利益。并且,员工在代表施耐德进行商业活动时,应有良好的职业判断。 Schneider will reimburse employees for the reasonable cost actually incurred to them due to the execution of their work duties. Employees shall not gain or lose per


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