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【活学活用】 (1)Its very convenient________us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet. A.to   B.of   C.by   D.for (2)Its hard for me________English well. A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learned 常见考点 讲透练活 D  C 1.ill,sick 【特别关注】 Li Lei was ill/sick last week.李磊上周生病了。 She wanted to help sick people. 她想要去帮助生病的人。 【拓展精析】 都是形容词。意为“生病的,患病”时,ill只作表语,不作定语;而sick既可作表语也可作定语。sick有“呕吐,恶心”的意思,只能作表语,而ill无此意。 注意:ill的名词为illness,意为“疾病”。 常见考点 讲透练活 【活学活用】 (1)He is________.His________is bad. A.sick;ill B.ill;ill C.ill;sick D.ill;illness (2)This is a________cat.It will die. A.ill B.sick C.illness (3)The old man has been________(生病的)in bed for a long time. 常见考点 讲透练活 D  B  ill 2.later,after,in 【特别关注】 A week later,she came back.一周后,她回来了。 You must open it later.你应该晚点打开它。 After a few minutes,he told us to come out quietly. 几分钟后,他叫我们悄悄地出来。 Youll get there in five minutes. 你会在五分钟后到那儿。 常见考点 讲透练活 【拓展精析】 都意为“在……之后”。 after介词 连词,不可单独使用。用来表示某一具体时间或事件之后,谓语动词可用过去时或将来时;表示从过去某时起一段时间之后,谓语动词用过去时。 later(late的比较级)副词,可以单独使用。要根据上下文意思来考虑动词时态的正确运用。用于过去时中,“一段时间+later”相当于“after+一段时间”。 in用于将来时中,回答how soon的问句。 常见考点 讲透练活 【活学活用】 用after,later,in填空 (1)He has gone to Hong Kong,and he will come back ________a week. (2)He died________5 days. (3)We saw him 3 months________. 常见考点 讲透练活 in  after  later 3.take,spend,pay,cost 【特别关注】 How long did you spend there?We spent two days there.你们在那儿花了多长时间?我们在那儿花了两天的时间。 I spent a day watching a play by Shakespeare in the open air.=It took me a day to watch a play by Shakespeare in the open air.我花一天时间在室外看莎士比亚的戏剧。 You wont have to pay much for it. 你不需为它花太多钱。 Some of the parties cost a lot of money. 其中一些晚会花了许多钱。 常见考点 讲透练活 【拓展精析】 四个词都是动词,都有“花费”之意,但是结构有差异,具体见下表: 常见考点 讲透练活 【活学活用】 用pay,cost,spend,take的正确形式填空 (1)James________a lot of money on CDs because he likes listening to music very much. (2)The new bike________me 300 yuan. (3)They________70 yuan for the tickets. (4)It________me several hours to get there last Sunday


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