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1. 正式和非正式接待场合说什么 I have a question to ask you. This time it is I who will receive the foreign dealer 我有一件事想请教.这次由我来负责接待来访的外商. Yeah. Promising you are 是啊,后起之秀 But you must tell me how i should do to be most suitable and polite 但是你一定要教教我该怎么办才会得体而不失礼 How I should do to be XX 怎么办才会XX样 As youve learned, first you should thank them for coming all the way here. 正如你学过的,首先你要感谢对方远道而来 Sb. Should thank sb. for doing sth. X人(应该)要感谢X人做某事 Yes. But what to say for formal and informal receptions? 是的,但是正式和非正式接待场合该分别说什么? What to say for XX receptions XX场合应该该说什么? If it is a formal visiting group, you can say, it is an honor and privilege to receive a visit from such a distinguished group. If informal, you just say we would like to thank you for coming to visit our company. Thats enough. 如果是正式的访问闭,你可以说能够接待各位贵宾来访,真是我们的荣辛; 如果是非正式的,你就说感谢前来访问本公司就足够了 privilege [privilid?]n. 特权;优待;基本权利vt. 给与特权;特免 distinguished [disti?ɡwi?t]adj. 著名的;卓著的;高贵的 v. 区别(distinguish的过去式) It is an honor and privilege to do sth. 能够XX真是(我们)的荣辛 We would like to thank you for doing sth. I know. Is that enough if I just say these words to begin? 我知道了.这样开头就可以吗? Is that enough if.... Yes. Then you should saylet me cordially welcome you to our company or I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all 是的.然后你应该说我热诚地欢迎您来本公司 或我要向各位致以诚挚的欢迎 cordially [,k?:dj?li]adv. 诚挚地,诚恳地;友善地 Cordially welcome sb. to XX(place) Can i tell them about their visiting process? 接下来, 我是否可以告诉他们相关的访问行程? Yes, you should also tell them we will do our best to make your visit a comfortable one, please feel free to ask us any questions you may have 对.你还应该告诉他们我们将尽力使您在访问期间舒适愉快, 如果有任何问题,请别客气,尽管提出来 Sb. will do sbs best to do sth, Thank you very much太感谢了


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