奥巴马口头禅(Obamas pet phrase).doc

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奥巴马口头禅(Obamas pet phrase)

奥巴马口头禅(Obamas pet phrase) 1. let me make it clear that success should be measured by achievement, and data is a powerful tool for determining performance.. Obama, a teacher, taught the students learning classics. One of the most difficult tasks for him as president is to make complex things, in some specific ways, simple and easy to understand. Therefore, clarity of thinking and simplification of complex matters are essential prerequisites for the presidents speech. (Zong He) 2. although Obamas speech talent is nationally known things, however, as president he, one of the most difficult task is to some complicated things, through a certain way, let it become a simple thing. Therefore, clarity of thinking and simplification of complex matters are essential prerequisites for the presidents speech. (Zong He) 3. take the recent Obama prize for Nobel peace as an example. When he heard of her win very surprised, he said: I dont understand that winning as to my personal achievements, and take it as a expectation of the people all over the world an affirmation of American leadership. 4. set yourself a number of specific goals for improving your presentation and communication skills. Secondly, you should set the stage, specific goals, and then give full play to the Chinese traditional virtues - hard work, perseverance and perseverance, and strive to achieve the goal. For example, I asked myself to make two speeches a month, and every time my classmates or friends went to the gallery, give me feedback. I promise myself that I will not rehearse three times and never speak on stage. I asked myself to listen to lectures every month and ask the best speakers for help. One speaker taught me some approaches to overcome fear, he said, if you look into the eyes of the audience will be nervous, you can see the audiences head, and the audience will still think you see in their faces, in addition, hands not to take the best paper to hold up boxing, so, trembling the hand will not cause


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