盐水地层二氧化碳封存量估算之研究 - 中国矿冶工程学会互动式网站.PDF

盐水地层二氧化碳封存量估算之研究 - 中国矿冶工程学会互动式网站.PDF

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盐水地层二氧化碳封存量估算之研究 - 中国矿冶工程学会互动式网站

鹽水地層二氧化碳封存量估算之研究* A Case Study on Estimating Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity of a Saline Aquifer* 1 3 2,5 4 1 3 2,5 4 C. T. Liu B. Z. Hsieh C. C. Tseng Z. S. Lin The pu r p ose of th is stu dy is t o u se an aly t ical TCS( and numerical simulation methods to estimate carbon ) dioxide (CO2) storage capacity of a saline aquifer in TCS field . The saline aqu ifer is the anticlinal KCL 8 2 TCSQCL for m at ion h av ing an ar ea of 6.9 10 ft , th ick n ess 6.9 108ft2 656ft 656ft, and formation depth 5074ft. The volumetric and 5074ft compressibility estimates are u sed in the analytical study. The estimated CO2 effective storage capacity 0.11~2.59 from the analytical methods is ranging from 11 to 259 C M G million tons. The GEM-GHG compositional reservoir GEM-GHG simu lator is u sed in the numer ical stu dy. The CO2 3.43~ 5.77 effective storage capacity calculated from numerical simulation is from 343 to 577million tons. The derived 0.53~0.90 stor age coefficient is 0.53~ 0.90 dep ending on CO 2 inj ecting operations and location of inj ecting wells. 關鍵詞: Keywords: Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity, Saline



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