基于数据库技术构建全产业链质量可追溯体系应用研究 - 食品安全质量 .doc

基于数据库技术构建全产业链质量可追溯体系应用研究 - 食品安全质量 .doc

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基于数据库技术构建全产业链质量可追溯体系应用研究 - 食品安全质量

基于数据库技术构建, 熊丽娜 (云南双江勐库茶叶有限责任公司, 677000) 摘 要:开发数据库技术的质量安全追溯系统并在实际运用实施。对公司茶叶产业链分析,运用数据库技术,包括采购管理、加工管理、库存管理、销售管理权限的登录终端平台手机相对应数据库,并将该信息采集系统在企业生产链各部门实际运用。结果生产链上各部门追溯信息采集系统,打通了生产链上各环节壁垒,形成了。结论系统的建立,生产效率, 关键词库 Application research on quality traceability system of whole industry chain based on database technology LIU Fu-Qiao*, DUAN Hong-Rui, Xiong Li-Na (Yunnan Shuangjiang Mengcun Tea Co., Ltd, Lincang 677000, China) ABSTACT: Objective Design and development the tea quality and safety traceability system which based on the database technology of and in Yunnan Shuangjiang Mengku tea limited liability company practical application. Methods Through the analysis of the companys tea industry chain, established the different permissions to log in to the terminals retrospective platform for mobile phone APP and the corresponding PC-side database using the database technology, which including the tea garden raw material base management, raw material procurement management, finishing management, inventory management, sales management . And actually using of the retroactive information collection system in the various departments of the enterprise production chain. Results Through the use of retrospective information collection system opened up the chain of information links in the production chain and formatted of the entire industry chain in the information chain and long-term monitoring system. Conclusion Through the establishment of traceability system, achieved the seamless connection in the material side, the production side, the transport side, the flow side and the terminal improved production efficiency and ensured prodct quality. KEY WORDS: tea; database; traceability information; retroactive APP; application 1 引 言 茶是世界3大饮料之一,全球有160个国家和地区的人民有消费和品饮茶叶的1]。茶叶产业链是茶叶市场发展到一定阶段的产物。纵观茶行业发展历程,自1984年到2003年,茶叶流通贸易均依靠批发市场[2]。2003年后,企业走出批发市场,选择区域代理与专卖店的方式逐渐增多,上游生产者开始整合下游渠道资源,下游渠道商纷纷布局上游,茶叶生产企业的雏形开始形成3]。茶叶全产业链进行分析,4];在投入品供给、茶叶基地、环境防疫体系、茶叶加工生产以及销售环节存在安全隐患。本文将依据勐库戎氏茶叶全产业链中各环节结合产


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