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Storm and Stress Storm and Stress Sturm und Drang or Storm and Stress (passion and energy), a movement in German literature that flourished from c.1770 to c.1784. It created literature that was revolutionary in its emphasis on subjectivity and on the unease of man in contemporary society. Storm and Stress The movement was distinguished also by the intensity with which it developed the theme of youthful genius in rebellion against accepted standards, by its enthusiasm for nature, and by its rejection of the rules of 18th-century style. Storm and Stress The great figure of the movement was Goethe, who wrote its most sensational and representative novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774). Romanticism vs. Realism ro·man·tic 1. Displaying, expressive of love: a romantic atmosphere. 2. Imaginative but impractical; visionary: romantic stories. 3. Not based on fact; imaginary or fictitious: His memoirs of this small town were criticized as a romantic view of the past. Romanticism vs. Realism Romanticism is more concerned with emotion than rationality. It values the individual over society, and puts emphasis on the individuals expression of personal emotions and imagination. It questions or attacks social rules and conventions. Romanticism vs. Realism It values nature over city and expresses a heightened interest in nature. It sees humanity living IN nature as morally superior to civilized humanity. It regards children, essentially innocent by nature, as being corrupted by their surroundings. Romanticism vs. Realism Highly imaginative and subjective Emotional intensity Escapism Common man as hero Nature as refuge, source of knowledge and/or spirituality Romanticism vs. Realism Romanticism vs. Realism 月下獨酌 花間一壺酒, 獨酌無相親。 舉杯邀明月, 對影成三人。 Romanticism vs. Realism 行路难   金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞直万钱。 停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然。 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山。  闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边。 行路难,


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