27 WAVE OPTICS - Wright State University(27日波动光学,莱特州立大学).pdf

27 WAVE OPTICS - Wright State University(27日波动光学,莱特州立大学).pdf

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27 WAVE OPTICS - Wright State University(27日波动光学,莱特州立大学)

CHAPTER 27 | WAVE OPTICS 955 27 WAVE OPTICS Figure 27.1 The colors reflected by this compact disc vary with angle and are not caused by pigments. Colors such as these are direct evidence of the wave character of light. (credit: Infopro, Wikimedia Commons) Learning Objectives 27.1. The Wave Aspect of Light: Interference • Discuss the wave character of light. • Identify the changes when light enters a medium. 27.2. Huygenss Principle: Diffraction • Discuss the propagation of transverse waves. • Discuss Huygens’s principle. • Explain the bending of light. 27.3. Young’s Double Slit Experiment • Explain the phenomena of interference. • Define constructive interference for a double slit and destructive interference for a double slit. 27.4. Multiple Slit Diffraction • Discuss the pattern obtained from diffraction grating. • Explain diffraction grating effects. 27.5. Single Slit Diffraction • Discuss the single slit diffraction pattern. 27.6. Limits of Resolution: The Rayleigh Criterion • Discuss the Rayleigh criterion. 27.7. Thin Film Interference • Discuss the rainbow formation b


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