7- Ray Optics - Iowa State University(7 -射线光学-爱荷华州立大学).pdf

7- Ray Optics - Iowa State University(7 -射线光学-爱荷华州立大学).pdf

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7- Ray Optics - Iowa State University(7 -射线光学-爱荷华州立大学)

Topic 7. Ray (Geometrical) Optics Reflection and Refraction Geometrical optics is that branch of optics which treats light as made up of rays that move in straight lines until they encounter an interface between two different materials, at which point they may reflect or refract, as described below. It is often referred to as “ray optics” because the light is treated as rays. Geometrical optics is to be distinguished from wave optics, in which the light is regarded as made up of waves. Geometrical optics applies when the dimensions of the system involved (like the distance across a lens) are many orders of magnitude greater than the wavelength of the light. Conversely, wave optics is necessary when this is not the case. Topic 7 will consider just one form of electromagnetic wave: visible light. We will be examining the path traveled by light as it reflects off of surfaces, and as it propagates through certain types of (transparent) materials. Although everything we discuss here is valid in some form for other e-m waves, the particular materials which are relevant in this chapter (such as glass and water) would not be as appropriate for a similar discussion of, for instance, the paths traveled by radio waves. The propagation properties of e-m waves in various materials are strongly dependent on the frequency of the waves. In this chapter we focus on the particular behavior of light waves and their interaction with materials since light is of such great practical importance. A concept that will be very important to us here is that of a point source of e-m waves. This is simply an emitter that is so small we can always ignore the detailed pattern of its emitted e-m radiation. We assume that all


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